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What's the difference between a sea lion and a sea dog?

 What's the difference between a sea lion and a sea dog?

 sea dog
sea dog

A sea lion and a sea dog are two animals that you might think look quite similar, but in fact they are very different creatures! In this article, we'll explore the main differences between these marine mammals to help you understand what makes them unique, so you can get to know these animals better. So let's dive right in!

sea lion
sea lion

Difference #1: Location

Sea lions are native to the Atlantic Ocean. Sea dogs, on the other hand, live in the Caribbean Sea. Difference #2: Diet: While both species eat fish, only the sea lion is known for its ability to dive deep into the ocean and catch fish by swimming after them. The sea dog can't do that; it must wait for the fish to swim near the surface of the water before catching them with its mouth. This makes it easier for humans to catch the sea dog than it is for us to catch the sea lion.

Difference #2: Sea Lion vs. Sea Dog - Features

A main feature of the differences between a sea lion and a sea dog is their diet. Sea lions are fish-eaters, while the diet of the common sea dog consists of just about anything that is edible—fish, crustaceans, or plants. So from an evolutionary standpoint it seems quite apparent that at some point in time there was actually not one creature but two: one being the water-loving fish eater, and the other being terrestrial creature who developed into its own species but maintained its canine origins through diet alone.

Difference #3: Physical characteristics

One way to distinguish the difference between a sea lion and a sea dog is by looking at their physical characteristics. If you notice any of the following, you are likely observing one of these members of the order Carnivora: A flatter face with nose in front of mouth, short round ears, webbed feet (they can’t walk on land) and two pairs of incisors that allow them to tear fish into chunks. When we observe these features, we are most likely encountering seals – not dogs! Some species, like harbor seals (which are mostly found in the Pacific), tend to have rounded heads while others look more squarish due to their large underbite.

Difference #4: Habitat

The Sea Lion has the widest habitat range of any marine mammal, while the Sea Dog lives on the coast. The Sea Lion can be found in places like Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Mexico, Japan and the Mediterranean Sea. The Sea Dog only lives along the Pacific Coast of North America. The differences between a sea lion and a sea dog lie in their habitats!

Difference #5: Diet

They're both fish eaters, but sea lions are carnivores (meat-eaters) while seals are herbivores (plant-eaters). That means that seals get all their energy from plants while sea lions get theirs from fish. Sea lions have sharp teeth for tearing meat off of fish, whereas seals have blunt teeth for crushing hard shells to get at the meat inside. Additionally, sea lions can hold their breath underwater for up to two hours! They do so by having tiny bones in their nose that collapse when they dive deep underwater. These bones re-expand once they resurface for air. Seals can only go about 10 minutes without breathing at any given time.


The main thing that differentiates these mammals is habitat. While sea lions tend to stay in coastal waters, sea dogs (or seals) migrate farther into offshore areas of ocean, where they can dive up to 2,200 feet below surface for about 15 minutes at a time. Sea lions often live in sandy areas or rocky beaches, but both types prefer to be around water; so if you’re ever out at sea, look for either animal basking on top of rocks or lounging on docks. And if you’re lucky enough to see one up close—they really are gorgeous creatures—take note of their whiskers and ear flaps: it’s part of what helps them stay balanced while floating on water.


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