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How do I make my dog ​​obey me

How do I make my dog ​​obey me

How do I make my dog ​​obey me


 Dogs are useful pets for humans in many areas.  Some of them are used for guarding, including what is used for hunting, or to keep sheep and cattle, or to pull carts, and despite the diversity of dogs in terms of shape and size, they all belong to the canine family, which includes in addition to dogs: wolves, foxes, jackals and are considered pet dogs are the descendants of wolves that once roed Asia and North America. familiaris).

Dogs differ from other animals by two characteristics: The first is their close association with humans;  They are found wherever people are in both hemispheres, and the second characteristic is the great variation in their characteristics.  The height of the Irish wolf-dog is 99.1 cm, while the height of the Chihuahua dog does not exceed 15.2 cm, and the hair length of a Yorkshire dog can reach 61 cm, while the bald Mexican dog does not have hair.

Dog breeds

 There are more than 300 breeds of known dogs in the world, which can be divided into seven basic groups, depending on the purpose of their education, and these groups are:

  • Den Dogs: These are dogs that are bred;  To catch mice and rats.
  •  Hunting dogs: like the Norwegian dog, which is characterized by activity and an intense sense of smell.
  •  Non-sport dogs: These are dogs characterized by their friendly personality, such as : Dog Lassa Apso.
  •  Working dogs: like the dog St. Bernard, because these dogs are characterized by keen intelligence and the ability to perform certain functions, such as: guard, shoot sleds, and rescue.
  •  Doll Dogs: Includes a group of small dogs, such as: the Maltese dog.
  •  Cattle Dogs: These dogs are used to drive cattle and keep grazing animals, such as: the Australian Shepherd.
  •  Sports dogs: such as Poynter dogs, and these dogs are used for hunting.

Getting ready to own a dog
 Before deciding to have a dog at home, the following things should be checked:

  • Have the ability and enough time to take care of the dog, train him in various skills and meet his needs.
  •  Have enough space for the dog to play and train.
  •  The ability to withstand the cost of dog food, treatment, and regular vaccinations.
  •  Choose the right dog for the family, in terms of the level of activity and kindness to children.

Dog needs

 The basic needs of dogs must be met at home, and they are:

  • Nutrition: Dogs one year of age or older need one nutritious meal a day or two small meals, provided meals are balanced and dogs can be fed soup, preserves, cheese, cooked eggs, fruits, and vegetables, and dogs can also be fed with human food, but in limited quantities;  Because they cause obesity, bone and tooth problems,  and you should avoid feeding dogs with alcohol, avocados, bread and beverages containing caffeine, chocolate, garlic, onions, grapes or raisins.
  • Exercise and games: dogs need activity and movement;  Burning calories, maintaining health, and avoiding boredom that leads to bad behavior, and playing games respond to many instinctive motives of dogs, such as: digging, cutting, chewing, and hunting. 
  •  Hygiene: Dogs do not need to bathe more than a few times a year, and the brush can be used to comb their hair, and the special comb to clean them of fleas and ticks. 
  •  A quiet, warm and comfortable place: in addition to a cage or a private place to sleep with blankets;  To protect it from the cold, a plate to eat, a bowl, chewing toys, a necklace, and a leash. 
  •  Health care by the veterinarian: get vaccinated on time.

Street training

 The dog must be trained to walk next to its owner and not to walk away from him, because the trainer holds the dog by the collar and moves him forward, and if the dog pulls the chain, he must not take any further steps before the dog comes next to the trainer and focuses his attention on him, and the dog must be rewarded and congratulated. By responding to a change of direction and walking next to his coach, a specific expression can be used, such as: go;  Make the dog walk alongside its owner. 

Invocation Response Training

 The word "Come" must be uttered in a clear voice and the dog's attention must be drawn to a game or applause. When the dog answers the call, it must be congratulated and rewarded, and the exercise must be repeated in different areas, such as public parks;  It is about training the dog to respond despite the presence of distractions and rewarding it every time it answers the call.

Lie training

 A toy can be used and placed on the ground between the dog's front legs;  This is to encourage him to lie down, and he can be trained to do so by lowering the outstretched hand, using the word folding, and rewarding him when directly executing the command, and later the reward may be delayed a little to get the dog used to lie down for a longer period, and if the dog moves from his place to receive the reward, do not present it to him, until he returns to the lying position, to make the dog understand that the trainer wants him to continue in this position, as long as he does not receive another order. 

Ignore the dog by biting its owner

 The dog should be ignored if it bites its owner while playing for a while;  To teach him that biting ends playing time, you have to stop this behavior, and the dog can be deprived of the things he likes if he misbehaves, and return to him if he returns to good behavior.

Waiting for training at the entrance to the house

 The dog must be trained to wait at the door when his handler comes out, and this is done by holding the dog off the leash and leaving the house, giving the dog the order to wait, and if the dog tries to get out of the door, then the leash must be used to stop his forward movement so that he understands that what is being asked to wait for him, a reward must be given to the dog when he obeys the order directly, and then asking him to act afterward.  

Train to defecate in a specific location

 A specific location is chosen to be used as a toilet outside the house for the dog, then the trainer begins to walk around the area repeating a specific word that he chooses to form a link between the word and the elimination of need, and a reward must be offered to the dog and cuddle him if he meets his need at the specified location, and if the dog does not want to relieve itself, you have to try again after twenty minutes, and you can use a bell and ring it all the time that the dog releases its need, over time the dog will learn to ring itself if it needs to use its toilet.

Prevent chewing and destruction of personal belongings

 The dog should receive chewing toys when he starts chewing things at home, by saying the word no or starting in a firm tone, then caressing the dog and offering him a reward if he starts chewing his toys and leaving the things he was chewing, and repeating that training, the dog will give up the habit of chewing collectibles and settle for special chewing toys.

Allergy to dogs

 Many people suffer from allergies to dogs, where the problem is not the dog's hair, but rather the dead skin on their body, their urine, and their saliva, so people who suffer from dog allergy are people whose immune system is sensitive and deals with certain harmless substances such as the scales of the dog's skin. , because it treats bacteria and viruses and attacks them.

  • Coughing and wheezing
  •  Itching and redness of the eyes.
  •  A nose that runs, itches, and plugs.
  •  Sneezing.
  •  Urticaria disease (hives) or rash.


To treat allergies, the following treatments can be used:

  • Antihistamines that treat allergy symptoms.
  •  Decongestants that reduce nasal swelling.
  •  Nasal spray that relieves infections.
  •  Allergy shots.


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