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Cute Animals That Are Endangered, Extinct, or Rare


 Cute Animals That Are Endangered, Extinct, or Rare


Cute Animals That Are Endangered, Extinct, or Rare

Cute animals are often featured on children’s TV shows and in YouTube videos, but did you know that the cutest animals on the planet are also in danger of becoming extinct? In fact, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), one-third of all mammals on the planet are threatened by extinction. There are only 3,890 Sumatran tigers left in the wild, which means this species may soon become extinct unless we work together to protect them and their habitat. These animals are just three of the cute and endangered creatures on our list!


The Red Panda

The Red Panda


Although they may be cute and fuzzy on their own, red pandas are classified as a vulnerable species on IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species. These animals spend most of their time high in trees, which makes them more difficult to spot than other animals. However, you can help these guys by funding efforts to protect their natural habitat—the better protected it is from things like deforestation and mining activities (which can lead to pollution), the more likely they'll survive.


The Pygmy Hippopotamus

The Pygmy Hippopotamus


Found in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea in Central Africa, pygmy hippos are threatened by poaching and habitat loss. Pygmy hippos are cute animals that many people don’t even know exist. The average adult is only 3 feet tall; they weigh between 132-and 264 pounds; they have pink skin; small ears with hairs sticking out of them like hair picks, and a wide muzzle with long tusks. This is why pygmy hippos are one of our favorite endangered animals!

The African Wild Dog

The African Wild Dog


A canine unlike any other—and a cutie. This critically endangered dog has become rarer due to habitat loss and poaching. It’s currently listed as endangered on IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species and is threatened by habitat fragmentation in sub-Saharan Africa and droughts that lead to food shortages in their region. To learn more about these cute animals, check out Defenders of Wildlife’s website. And while you're at it, why not donate? They do amazing work protecting these precious creatures around the world.

The Margay

The Margay


It’s hard to believe that such a cute cat can be endangered. The margay looks like a fluffy little housecat and even walks like one—but it's not as friendly as it appears. This feline is found in Central and South America where its natural habitats are being destroyed. Although much of its home has been lost to deforestation, many other threats still exist for these cute little animals; their prey is diminishing and humans sometimes hunt them for their fur. The good news is that those who want to help can contribute to wildlife conservation by donating to conservation charities. It's possible to help save all kinds of endangered animals while enjoying photos of your favorite critters online!

The San Salvador Rock Agama

The San Salvador Rock Agama


One of the cute animals that are endangered is the agama. This reptile is also called rock agama and can be found in a small area of northeastern Africa. It lives on small rocks, large boulders, and sometimes trees. The females lay eggs which then hatch into baby agamas that eat insects and live off plants for about three years until they become adults themselves. At one time it was thought to be extinct in Egypt but later studies showed there were still some left behind in that area.

The Masked Palm-squirrel

The Masked Palm-squirrel

Native to New Guinea and eastern Indonesia, one of these squirrels lives in London’s Natural History Museum. Three other species are on display at US zoos. The Masked Palm-squirrel (or Rousettus leucotis) is a small tree squirrel with a long tail that has white rings on it. It is found only in the coastal rain forests of New Guinea and surrounding islands like New Britain and Halmahera. The most endangered of all palm-squirrel species, there are only three Masked Palm-squalene left in England; two live at London's Natural History Museum while one lives at Longleat Safari Park.


This list is by no means exhaustive; there are so many cute animals in danger that it would be impossible to write about them all. But these are just a few of our favorites. We hope you found it helpful!


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