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10 things we use every day: we don't know the history of its interesting development

10 things we use every day: we don't know the history of its interesting development

10 things we use every day: we don't know the history of its interesting development

 There are things that we use almost daily, without thinking about them or how they were made or when people started using them, what many people don't realize is that these things have a rich history of development through decades of know-how and experimentation to bring them. at the level, they are now.

Over time, society's demands and needs change constantly, meaning that the things on which society depends must also change. The following list focuses on things that still matter in most people's lives, but that is not the case. know nothing about the history of their development throughout history.  



Make-up has played a very important role in various cultural beauty standards throughout history, the first recording of the use of makeup dates back to the time of the first Egyptian dynasty in 3100-2907 BC, at that time, men and women used skincare products and stored them. in clay containers.

Later, the Egyptian people developed dark green powders that women use to decorate their eyes created by a mineral powder such as antimony, and makeup is now more clearly produced and used on a large scale.

Many ingredients go into making makeup and they are harmless and more effective at changing an individual's appearance, for example, lipstick is now created by melting wax and oil with the addition of colored pigments and a solvent solution later.



Everyone sees toilets as a fundamental necessity, but without realizing that the ergonomic and more dignified models they regularly use are recent innovations.

For example, in Rome in 315 AD, public toilets consisted of wooden benches and there was no partition separating the occupants and public toilets for up to 144 people, where the Romans saw going to the toilet as an opportunity for social interaction and time to chat with friends or even strangers.

It was in the 20th century that the toilets that people were used to were invented and at that time, toilets with washable valves and water tanks placed at the top of the toilets were available to the general public.



Today, shoes are considered a fashion staple, but when shoes were first created, they had to be durable and functional to carry out the intense physical activities that the wearer had to do.

For example, the first discovered example of shoes dates back to the Stone Age around 3300 BC The shoes were suede with a bear sole and for support, they were also filled with hay, and with the limited tools at their disposal, their shoes were a success. Awesome.

Over time, as the masses moved away from physical work occupations, shoes became a means of expressing fashion flair and showing themselves in the Renaissance, a period of tremendous innovation in which shoes were made from expensive materials and used as a status symbol.



The invention of the saw had a huge impact on the commercial industry. In the past, wood industries used sharp tools such as axes to cut trees, as this put enormous pressure on workers and worked overtime and resulted in deaths from inaccurate fluctuations that caused trees to fall in unexpected directions.

In the 19th century, Europeans used saws to cut trees more efficiently and at that time, German doctors also used the first rotary saw models in medical procedures to cut bones.

The first electric saw was invented in 1926 which was very bulky and required two people for its use. Finally in 1959, the electric saw was produced widely available to the public similar to the models used today.



Firearms have greatly influenced war, politics, and culture since their inception, around 850 AD, Chinese chemists used the explosive properties of gunpowder to create weapons capable of dropping objects at deadly speed, leading to the creation of the first models of cannons and grenades.

In the end, portable firearms were invented that consisted of hollow bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder and small shells, which were ineffective over long distances and were therefore mainly used nearby.

Over time, other countries began to use gunpowder, and in the 13th century, major innovations in firearms spread from Asia to Europe through the creation of flint weapons, American settlers used long rifles with twisted grooves spinning bullets when fired, resulting in a straighter, more accurate shot.

Medical glasses

Medical glasses

Glasses have undergone several developments throughout history, even though low vision is common, but adequate optical support was not widely available to those who needed it until recently.

Models of previous glasses were uncomfortable and inaccessible to the public, and as a result, he suffered greatly from visual impairment and even blindness over time.

The Romans first discovered the possibility of using glass to display small texts or objects remotely and as a result they created prototype glasses that were magnifying lenses in the shape of balls, the familiar pair of glasses we see now does not appear until the beginning of the 18th century.



Bicycles are now one of the most cost-effective and widely accessible modes of transportation, but the durable and fast bikes currently owned by millions of people around the world are the result of years of continuous innovation.

The first model was created by a German inventor in the early 19th century who manufactured a two-handed steerable device that had no chain, brakes, or pedals and was propelled with the manual force of the rider's legs.

In the 1860s, French inventors began adding wheels, chains, and pedals to their bikes, but they were uncomfortable and difficult to control.

Finally, in 1885, equal-wheeled bicycles were available to the general public, which were more flexible to handle.

Sewing machines

Sewing machines

Clothing production is a complex and delicate process that requires equipment and skilled workers to be properly carried out and before the manufacture of sewing machines, this process was less efficient.

The garments were made only using manual sewing which was much slower and in 1790, the first sewing machine model was designed which was operated by a manual crank. However, the innovator thought that his invention would lead to unemployment, so he, unfortunately, decided to avoid patenting his product.

In 1851, sewing machines finally began to be manufactured on a large scale for garment companies.

The lamps

The lamps

Modern lighting fixtures used in most homes have undergone several modifications over the years.

The first lamps used were created around 70000 BC, were very primitive, and included hollow rocks filled with combustible materials moistened with animal fat.

The greatest innovation of lamps occurred in the 18th century when an adjustable metal tube was used to control the intensity of fuel combustion, which changed the brightness of the light. Modern bulbs were introduced to the public in the 1870s by Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan who invented the first incandescent bulbs.



The invention of tractors has greatly accelerated the agricultural process by eliminating the need to grow, grow and fertilize crops by hand.

Despite the innovative applications of the original tractor model, it was modified over the years to make it more efficient and in 1897, the first factory dedicated to the production of steam tractors was opened.

In 1910, Henry Ford produced gasoline tractors that were used exclusively for agriculture, which in turn produced better yields during harvest seasons.


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