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 Breeding inseparable


Breeding inseparable

The love bird was called by this name because one spouse was very attached, and if one of them was lost, it cannot be easily compensated, because the other individual refuses to associate with others, and the love bird has many and varied factions, and this bird can last about ten years.

To raise a large number of lovebirds, you need to:

Choose birds that are the age of my youth, i.e. about 4 months, that are healthy and active and who lose their eye due to the absence of any pathological symptoms, then the birds are placed in a metal cage adapted to the number or sling that can be detailed in the carpenter and its area is large or depending on the number of birds to be raised then the scene Preparation begins by feeding them well and placing them in a well-ventilated place not faced with strong drafts, and this period allows the amateur to observe and record his observations until he reaches the age of deterioration and mating

Types of food:

As we know, small birds such as lovebirds and parakeets are fed with cereal, which is the main food of these birds and it consists of the following combination, as we know (Flars - Deneba - Benicam - the pulp of young sunflowers)

The mixture can be purchased readily in bird shops or supermarkets. Vegetables such as lettuce, watercress, alfalfa, carrots, and certain types of fruit such as grapes can be provided without increasing fruit. Boiled eggs mixed with rusk can be presented as a protein that is particularly important for chicks. The bird reaches its state of readiness for mating from the age of 6 months. Around the puberty stage is ten months and the method of identifying the female's male, the breeder notices the courtship of the female's male or vice versa, and the tranquility of the female to the male.

Examine the anus of the male and female, the opening is circular and the female is deep, the hole is oval and prominent and these signs do not appear until the six-month passage of the bird's life after the birds begin to be damaged Each pair of birds is transferred to a single cage until the preparation is completed For mating

And the advantage of individual cages keeps the little ones because only the parents stay inside the cage. After all, the other birds, the older they are, are fierce, and also if one of the parents dies, it is easier for the breeder to know. this and that for the new synthesis.

And cages are suitable for birds in terms of space, i.e. their size is (40) cm it is known that these birds have a beak that lends to wood and prefer a metal cage instead of wood and other reasons that wood has certain types of insects

After placing each pair of birds in a cage, of course, after they have been damaged, or they are male and female, and the birds are of puberty age, as I mentioned earlier, a small nest is placed, no less than 20 cm high, wooden and the nest door from above

The straw is placed inside and can be made from non-coarse sawdust and placed directly in the nest or using palm leaves and can be placed inside the nest and part of it outside the nest and the birds pick it up and build the nest and it is better than the breeding season begins from early October to July, where sales of husbands with chicks in abundance increase in August

 During this period, calcium must be provided to the birds, which is the bone of the cuttlefish, and drinking water is noted, as the female likes to drink water during this period and provide vegetables such as watercress. The female usually lays between 4 and 7 The female is lying on the eggs for about 24 days and is called the period (egg incubation), as we know. The female incubates the eggs, and the male sometimes helps in the incubation, and the male usually feeds the chicks.

The amorous bird is considered one of the smallest parrots in the world and is rightly the most popular bird among all ornamental birds. To welcome them on the new day or when building a nest, watching them and playing with them is a lot of fun



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