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Ornamental fish farming

Ornamental fish farming

Ornamental fish

 Ornamental fish farming is one of the popular pastimes that many people practice because they keep this type of fish at home using special ponds to raise them, and the goal is to decorate and beautify the place where they are placed because of their distinctive and bright character. the shape and color of the fish, but often the person is absent. By raising these fish according to important instructions and instructions on their breeding, which leads to the death of these fish, and their inability to live long term, and therefore we will inform you in the lines of our next subject some useful information in the breeding of ornamental fish.

Breeding ornamental fish Aquarium ornamental fish

The first thing to do when thinking about fish farming is to choose an aquarium for that. The aquariums are of two types: These are: the glass aquarium, which is one of the most common and most used types, and this type stands out by its weight, and the second type is the transparent reinforced plastic acrylic aquarium, and this aquarium generally looks better than the glass aquarium, but one of the drawbacks is that it is easy to scratch in addition to its high cost.

Aquarium plants ornamental fish

 One of the most important things to consider when thinking about the breeding of ornamental fish is the plants that must be present inside the aquarium, because the beautiful shape of the plants gives a distinctive appearance to the pond with the fish, in addition to the fact that these plants serve as an impregnable fortress to protect small fish from the attack of large fish, some fish use it as a source of nutrition in the absence of adequate food in the aquarium, in addition to the fact that these plants consume some of the carbon and nitrates produced by the fish that breathes in the water and converts it into oxygen necessary for the breathing of ornamental fish.

Feeding ornamental fish

Feeding ornamental fish requires a little experience and care, as excess or lack of food leads to the same result, which is death or fish disease, and so there is a set of criteria that must be taken into account when feeding ornamental fish to maintain their toxicity, as follows:

  •  Be sure to buy food from private stores and stay away from home-cooked food that leads to aquarium contamination and fish diseases.
  • Feed live worms from ornamental fish at least once a week, taking into account keeping fish feed out of reach of children.
  • Feed the fish in one person to avoid periods of disturbed feeding.

Types of aquarium fish


Which is characterized by its beautiful shape, and its bright and bright colors, but it needs a large area and average lighting to live and swim.


These fish are characterized by being social, living with other species, in addition to being devoured by the dirt at the bottom of the aquarium.


This type of fish is considered one of the most beautiful ornamental fish, characterized by its tranquility and fluid movements in the water.


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