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How a mule is born

How a mule is born

How a mule was born

 A mule is a hybrid that was born as a result of the mating of a male donkey and a female horse, i.e. a mare, and it resembles a horse in its length, body shape and neck, and resembles a donkey in its short, thick head, small hooves, long ears, and short legs.120 cm to 180 cm, and its weight from 275 kg to 700 kg, and the mullet is distinguished by its ability to withstand and perform many tasks in very difficult conditions that other animals can not bear, and the mullet is a sterile animal that cannot reproduce. 

History of mule crossing

 It is difficult to determine a precise date at which the mules began to cross, but it is thought that their origin began with the origin of her parents, namely the donkey and the mare, because she was born in the wild in an area where the donkey and mare the horse lived, and in ancient times, the mules were deliberately crossed between a male donkey and a female horse. , which is a common cross. An animal has been crossed between a female donkey and a male horse, and this cross is less common.

Take care of a mule

 Caring for a mule is similar in many ways to caring for a horse, but there are some things to consider when maintaining: 

  • The mullet's hoof must be cut at each period no more than ten weeks and no less than six weeks, which is similar to a donkey and a horse, but the mule may need veterinary care when cutting its hooves as it may become irritated if not properly. qualified.
  •  A mule depends on fresh water and fodder for food, such as a donkey and a horse, but it can consume a little less food than a horse of similar size.
  •  The mule is an intelligent and sensitive animal, so it cannot survive long in the barn.
  •  A mule is less susceptible to disease than a donkey and a horse;  This is due to its hybrid nature.


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