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How an elephant was born

How an elephant was born

Pregnancy in an elephant

 The duration of pregnancy in an elephant is usually two years and birth issues sometimes extend to five years, and birth usually takes place during wet seasons and the length of the elephant is 85 cm and weighs 120 kg, usually an elephant is born, but the birth of twins sometimes occurs.  The relatively long gestation period of a female elephant allows the fetus to develop better, including head and pipe growth.


The birth of the elephant

 The birth of the elephant is a novelty that makes us discover the splendor of this universe and the grandeur of its creator, the female elephant swaying from left to right trying to find a comfortable position until delivery. descend by carrying in its folds a fetus of 120 kg. The female elephant anxiously waits for her baby to start breathing, announcing life, the mother begins By slowly pushing her baby on the ground trying to give her the first breath after several harmless kicks to her body, the mother's anxiety increases and she works to carry her baby from her trunk, so she lifts her head a little off the ground and moves her a little and puts her on the ground to take her first breath, heralding life.

Newborn elephants are considered early and active animals, so as soon as they start breathing and after a few minutes they start to get up and walk to hunt elephant mothers and the rest of the herd.  The newborn elephant is usually the focus of the herd's attention, as elephants, large and small, surround the newborn elephant and help it walk by supporting it with its bodies during its early days.

Protect the baby elephant

 Elephant mothers refuse to approach their fetus, especially in the early days, after which the baby elephant is cared for by one of the herd members without the mother, and in some herds of elephants, as they were not in danger. , elephants gather side by side, making young elephants 2 to 12 years old in the middle to provide protection.

Elephants' abilities are changing

 The first few days are difficult for a small elephant, because he cannot stand alone and must support and support his mother by touching and emitting sounds or smells.  It should be noted that the cub has a weak vision at first and does not have a great ability to maintain balance and that the cub's walk is therefore staggering around its mother and may be prone to falling to the ground several times. at first, in the second week, the elephant becomes more able to walk in a balanced way and more control over his body.  After the first month expires, the elephant can catch and drop objects and put them in his mouth, but he cannot absorb water through the hose and must drink water directly through the mouth, and the elephant still needs at this time to stay close and support his mother.

Feeding the baby elephant

 The elephant depends mainly on breast milk to feed for the first three months, and after that, it begins to depend on feeding the plants using its stems to collect water, and the elephants continue for the first six months at the same rate of lactation and this time, the endurance of the young elephant's legs improves and the capacity of the hose also develops. The small elephant's ability to balance increases and after nine months, the condition of the feet and hose becomes complete so that the baby elephant at the age of one can rely entirely on itself by eating and drinking, but it still needs its mother to be protected from predators.

Playing baby elephant

 The play behavior of elephants differs between the two sexes, so that young female elephants play while hunting and stalking, and the maturity age for them is nine years, while young male elephants fight and the age of puberty for them is 9 years. fourteenth and fifteenth graders. With a relatively long lifespan, ranging from 60 to 70 years, the age of the male Asian elephant reaches 86 years.


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