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Nightmares Make You Smarter: The Weirdest Facts You'll Know About It

Nightmares Make You Smarter: The Weirdest Facts You'll Know About It

Nightmares Make You Smarter: The Weirdest Facts You'll Know About It

Nightmares and scary dreams are one of the things that irritate many people, as some try to avoid feeling tension and fear before going to sleep, which the subconscious mind interprets in each other and turns into some terrifying scenes that disturb the individual while he sleeps.

that frightening dreams and nightmares have a positive impact on an individual's life. According to what was published on the American Bright Side website, we will tell you the details in the following lines.

Is there a link between nightmares and mental illness?

Some doctors and scientists have revealed that nightmares are primarily caused by a feeling. Stress, stress, and anxiety cause the subconscious mind to interpret these feelings in a negative way that he sees while sleeping.

Nightmares improve your life.

A recent American study found that nightmares and frightening dreams make the individual more realistic and receptive to some of the negative situations that he is exposed to in his life.

This is due to the individual's inability to defend himself during a bad vision or nightmare, and as a result, he is more courageous in his reality to face these fears that he is incapable of facing during his sleep.

As a result, nightmares and bad dreams are beneficial to your health. Nervous system

In the long run, it also teaches the individual to control his fear and stress.

There is no paralysis while sleeping.

Among the benefits of nightmares discovered by scientists is that when experiencing a frightening dream, the eye muscles begin to move constantly, whereas the muscles of the body are completely paralyzed during sleep.

These eye movements guard the motor neurons in the brain, preventing strokes while sleeping.

Nightmares help you solve problems and sharpen your mind.

According to psychologists and neuroscientists, nightmares improve an individual's mental ability, make him more creative, and increase his desire to achieve his goals.

Scientists explain that this occurs because the brain enters a neurophysiological state, which results in a state similar to mental paralysis, and when the individual experiences it and awakens from this state, the brain is more absorbing and intelligent, capable of solving problems in a creative manner.

activation of memory

Nightmares stimulate memory by storing information and some memories in the frontal lobe of the brain, causing the individual to recall the most important events in his life at all times.


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