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Experts: The scary zombie fantasy could become reality very soon

Experts: The scary zombie fantasy could become reality very soon 

Experts: The scary zombie fantasy could become reality very soon

The idea that people turn into zombies has always occupied the human imagination, and this has appeared in many movies, and despite the nightmare of the idea, it remained just a fantasy that could not be realized on the ground, but experts recently warned that the imagination can turn into reality and you will soon see zombies, and it only takes specific viral or parasite development to achieve this.

The possibility of zombies in reality and what it takes!

According to Express, it seems that one of the greatest and greatest human fears is about to materialize, the idea inspired by a group of Hollywood films that revolved around the idea of terrifying zombies. Scientists think this may not remain an imagination. and that this is about to happen.

Bien sûr, il serait impossible de croire à l'idée que les morts se lèveraient et commenceraient à chasser les vivants pour se nourrir d'eux, mais les experts estiment qu'une certaine évolution parasitaire ou virale pourrait y conduire.

Ce parasite peut affecter le cerveau, car il est connu qu'un parasite appelé Toxoplasma gondii infecte le cerveau des rongeurs et ce parasite peut alors manipuler de manière intéressante le comportement des rongeurs, car cela peut conduire à mettre fin à leur peur des chats et à les approcher, ce qui mettre fin à leur vie.

Ce qui préoccupe le plus les scientifiques à cet égard, c'est la similitude entre les rats et les humains, de sorte que les souris sont toujours utilisées pour mener des expériences sur l'effet de certains médicaments et découvertes médicales avant d'être testées sur les humains.

Parce que la moitié des personnes dans le monde auraient une version passive du parasite dans leur cerveau sous la forme de kystes inoffensifs et pourtant, pour certains immunodéprimés, le parasite est étroitement associé à des maladies telles que la schizophrénie ou à des comportements tels que des tendances suicidaires.

A study at the University of California found that the parasite is stronger than they previously thought, as Wendy Ingham, who participated in the study, said the team tested the parasite on mice that ended up unaffected or wary of the presence of a predator nearby, which is a major change in their behavior.

She also warned of the danger of the toxoplasma parasite, saying: The idea that this parasite knows more about our brain than we do and that it can modify the complex behavior of rodents is frightening.

Other experts believe that viruses will eventually turn the human race into zombies, such as Dr. Ben Newman, professor of virology at the University of Reading, who believes that a virus such as rabies can evolve and be capable of invading humanity.

And Ben Newman added: The real extraterrestrial organisms that are kept in Mother Nature's basement are viruses, there are more viruses than we will discover, no matter how many we discover, if we look at, for example, rabies, which completely changes the dog's behavior and behavior, as well as crazy behaviors and convulsions. The idea of zombies on the ground is not as far away as we imagined.


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